Reporting Metrics
Average Order Value (AOV)
The average order value of all orders attributed to the campaign or mailing.
The total number of conversions or orders that were attributed to the campaign or mailing.
Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
Total spend divided by number of conversions.
The number of mailings sent. This excludes suppressions, exceptions, and holdouts.
New Buyer (NB)
The number of orders attributed to these mailings that came from new buyers. In order to report New Buyers, you must specify whether each order is associated with a New Buyer or not, through the Metadata Object when using the Orders API.
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
Revenue from the attributed conversions divided by spend.
Response Rate (RR)
The percentage of mailings (in the selected reporting window) that converted within the attribution window. Please keep in mind that you might have set different attribution windows across various campaigns.
The total revenue from conversions (orders) attributed to the campaign or mailing.
The total billable for the mailings sent. This includes the costs for the postcards and any additional data.
All spend is reported as part of the mailed group.
The number of unique customers (mailing recipients) with 1 or more orders.
Incremental Metrics
These metrics are only available if you enabled holdouts for the campaign.
Incremental Cost Per Acquisition (Inc. CPA)
The incremental cost per acquisition for the mailed group vs. the holdout group. It indicates the costs of the entire campaign spread over solely incremental orders (Orders Lift), or conversions beyond what was generated in absence of the campaign (holdout).
Incremental Return on Ad Spend (Inc. ROAS)
The incremental ROAS for the mailed group vs. the holdout group. It indicates the return that was generated from this campaign beyond what was generated in absence of the campaign (holdout).
Orders Lift
The incremental lift (difference) in the number of conversions in the mailed group vs. holdout group.
Response Rate Lift (RR Lift)
The incremental lift (difference) in Response Rate in the mailed group vs. holdout group.
Revenue Lift
The difference in Revenue between the mailed vs. holdout group.
Last updated